
Her Oldest Daughter’s Boyfriend Ate A Birthday Cake And Ruined A Party For Her Youngest Daughter So She’s Telling The Internet She Kicked This Guy Out

“At this point, I would seriously consider banning him from the house permanently. How many times does he have to hurt your 14-year-old daughter, in her own home where she and her belongings should be safe before she starts to wonder why you aren’t protecting her?”


“Anyone else creeped out that this grown man is focused on touching stuff that belongs to and upsetting a 14-year-old girl?”


“Honestly though he needs to be yelled at. He’s an adult, but he’s acting like a child. I would have screamed at him too.”

“Usually, I would say there is little to no reason for screaming… but seriously, boundaries were already set.”

“Two chances were given and now for the third time, he went out of his way to do something that not only is obviously horrible etiquette but was also a deliberate violation of the house rules that were in place”.

“It seems much more like he did it just to get a reaction. That would clearly warrant someone to lose their…cool.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say to her here.

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