
Looking For Lauren: Untangling The Twisted Tale Of What Happened To Lauren Spierer, A Young College Girl Who Vanished Into Thin Air After A Night Out With Her Friends

Before he does, he tells Lauren she should sleep on the couch, and she tells him no. Michael comes back downstairs and alleges that Lauren was no longer there, so he calls their friend Jay to try to get some help.

Lauren walks to Jay’s apartment, where Jay tries to get Lauren to just sleep there, but she leaves his place too.

It’s now about 4:30 in the morning, and Lauren says to Jay she is going to go back to her apartment, so he watches Lauren walk down the street from his balcony. He literally is the last person on record to see her, on North College and 11th street.

Bloomington Police Department; pictured above is Lauren and what she was wearing when she vanished

And this is where Lauren completely vanishes off the face of the earth. Nobody has come forward saying they saw her after 4:30 am. No surveillance footage has picked her up after she leaves Jay’s apartment.

In the hours that follow, Lauren’s boyfriend Jesse tries to text her but gets no reply. And then an employee at Kilroy’s texts him back to say Lauren’s phone was found at the bar. Jesse then reports Lauren as missing to the police, after searching her apartment.

In the days that follow, there’s a huge search for Lauren and thousands of tips are called into the Bloomington Police, but nothing ends up coming of it.

In the weeks that follow, the FBI ends up digging through landfills, trying to find any sign of Lauren’s potential remains.

Twitter; Lauren is pictured above with her dad

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