He Cheated On His Girlfriend Then Dumped Her Because He Fell In Love With The Other Woman, But This Other Woman Doesn’t Want To Be With Him

A 28-year-old man started dating his most recent girlfriend after he got out of a relationship that lasted 4 years.
He jumped back into the casual dating scene and felt bad for hooking up with his latest girlfriend, who he met through work, so he asked her to be in a relationship with him. She agreed.
Initially, he only asked her out because of his guilty conscience, but his love for her ended up growing and everything became very much so real in their relationship.
He stayed with his girlfriend, and their relationship continued for 2 years. After they had a pregnancy scare, he seriously questioned whether or not he wanted to keep dating her.
He felt at that time they were just two different people who happened to hit it off one evening which kept them together, but that was it.
Despite feeling like his girlfriend really wasn’t the one for him or the one he saw himself ultimately marrying, he kept dating her.
He then began working for a new company and wound up meeting a woman at work who seemed to have interests similar to his.
He felt a real spark with this woman, and they grew quite close in just a few months together at the office.
He started falling for this woman, and he revealed his feelings to her. She said she felt that they were more than friends, and so, they started having an affair even though he had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend.

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“After a few months of having an affair with her, I started to ask her that I wanted to take this on another level and wanted to go stable with her,” he explained.
“Given the situation with her boyfriend, and my current relationship growing stale, it would have been a win-win situation for the both of us if we broke up with our current relationships and hooked up together.”
“You would not have another man/woman on the side if you are satisfied with your current relationship right? WRONG!! Boy, I was so wrong!!!”
He essentially told her that he loved her, and she replied that she wasn’t going to leave her boyfriend for him. She also said she felt he was just a friend to her.
Now, he thought this woman was the one; he could see himself having kids with her and marrying her and he was shocked she didn’t feel the same way.
“Since I was so deeply in love and emotionally invested in her, I jumped the gun and broke up with my current girlfriend in a hasty attempt to show her that I was dead serious about getting in a serious relationship with her,” he said.
“However, this did not sway her decision and she stuck with her original man and said to me she was just sad and lonely during the time we had an affair and when those feelings have passed, she still ultimately wants to return back to her boyfriend.”
“This left me broken, devastated, and without a relationship. I have lost it all for being a cheat. I couldn’t bear the fact that I would be losing contact with her so I decided to be her friend.”
“She reluctantly agrees and said it would be very difficult for me especially since I still have feelings for her. After being accepted in her life further as a “friend”, I was able to maintain communication with her despite the pandemic breaking out forcing us all on lockdown.”
“After the lockdown was eased, I was able to get to know her family and was even visiting her at their home. It came to the point that I was so close to her sisters and her cousins that I always welcome at their home if I wish to visit. Her family is very kind to me and makes me feel welcome whenever I go there to visit them.”
At this point in his life, he’s still holding out hope that this woman will change her mind and her feelings about him and leave her boyfriend.
“During the time that we were having an affair, I was able to procure some photos and videos of our relationship,” he continued.
“As my ultimate backup plan, if she ended up still getting proposed to for marriage by his current boyfriend, I’m planning to send the photos and videos as well as the conversations of our affair to her boyfriend to incriminate her and finally get back at her for not choosing me.”
“I decided on this action plan because I am not willing to be her friend if she still marries that guy.”
He thinks getting back at her is perhaps the best thing to do here because he doesn’t “want her to walk out of this scot-free.”
How would you feel in this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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