
He’s Almost Done Divorcing His Wife And He’s Telling The Internet That When She Complained About Being A Single Mom He Reminded Her That’s What She Signed On For

He’s struggling with the fact that he essentially threw it in her face that she picked being a single mom, and he knows she’s going through a really tough time without him pointing that out to her.

“I mean it’s an emotional time for everyone especially her,” he continued.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“No judgments. If you were upfront AND you’re going to pay child support, you’re doing all you’re capable of legally and emotionally.”


“She made a deliberate choice after promising otherwise. You are still on the hook financially which I don’t even think is fair. But that’s the law.”

“Some jurisdictions allow compensation for “wrongful pregnancy” arising from a failed vasectomy. You may want to look into this in your jurisdiction. (Don’t confuse this with wrongful birth; totally different thing).”


“She DID choose this and if she’s going to…moan she needs to be reminded of that. My husband and I are both childfree.”

“I got sterilized seven years ago and after my three-month follow-up, I was cleared good to go, no more chance of getting pregnant. If I were to get pregnant I would absolutely abort and my husband is right there with me. Neither one of us is capable of caring for a child.”

“Don’t let anyone try to tell you that you’re s*** for “abandoning a baby”. You didn’t want it. Let the courts handle child support, see if you can sign your rights away. You don’t have to be involved. I’m sorry you’re going through this.”

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