
He’s Constantly Calling His Girlfriend By Other Names Of Women In His Life And Now She’s Worried

A woman has been dating her boyfriend for around a month now, and she’s concerned that something her boyfriend has done multiple times in these past weeks is cause for concern.

One week into dating her boyfriend, they were cuddling together when he referred to her by his ex-girlfriend’s name.

He was intoxicated at the time, and she had no idea that the name he slipped up and called her was actually his ex’s name.

He did own up to the fact that it was his ex’s name that he called her by, and she tried to brush it off when she found out.

She was not upset with her boyfriend, and he clearly did feel terrible about the mistake. Her boyfriend was with his ex for 3 years, and that was the single girlfriend he had before her, so she figured it was an honest mistake.

They moved on from there, but a week later, he did it again; he called her by another female name while they were talking on the phone.

This time, he didn’t use his ex’s name, but he used the name of one of his very good friends. She attempted to pretend she didn’t hear it, but several days after that, her boyfriend called her that name again when they were hanging out.

“This time we were laying in bed, being sweet when he accidentally called me her name,” she explained.

“I honestly got upset. He starts crying and apologizing profusely. I end up being fine and asking if he could at least be honest and tell me if they ever liked each other or had a thing.”

Gabi Moisa –

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