She Invited Her Brother’s Former Fling To Thanksgiving And She’s Telling The Internet Her Brother’s Girlfriend Got Offended

A woman had Thanksgiving at her house for the very first time last week, and since it’s her house, she figured she was allowed to invite anyone she wanted there.

One person that she invited that caused a stir though is a woman named Anya who used to be her brother’s former fling.

Although Anya never ended up officially dating her brother, the two of them hooked up multiple times.

She absolutely loves Anya though and maintained hope that Anya and her brother would wind up in a relationship.

That didn’t happen, but she stayed in contact with Anya and would meet up with her to grab a coffee or chat with her over the phone.

“We had an inside joke about how she’d be my future sister-in-law because I’ll make sure to set her up with my brother,” she explained.

Her brother went on to date a woman named Sarah, and now they’ve been together for 3 years.

2 years ago, her brother completely stopped talking to Anya because he thought she had been disrespectful to his girlfriend Sarah too many times and was starting to get possessive over him.

“Once he told me that Anya told Sarah how “I’m the future wife of your boyfriend”. My brother apparently was offended by Anyas behavior and cut her off,” she said.

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She isn’t positive if any of that truly happened, but she doesn’t really care because she still likes Anya.

“I’ve kept in contact with Anya and she occasionally tells me how sad she is things turned out that way with my brother and I said that if I had the chance I’d set them up but I’m not sure it’s easy to do that now,” she continued.

“She says how she always wanted to be part of our family and she feels like she lost her spot to Sarah. I assured her that I still consider her family even if she’s not dating my brother and I’ll always love her more no matter what.”

Pretty recently, her relationship with Anya became even stronger so she decided to invite her over for Thanksgiving.

“When my brother found out Anya is invited he went off on me and said I’m so disrespectful for inviting the girl who tried to break him and Sarah up and how this is disrespectful to him, Sarah, and their relationship,” she wrote.

“He also claimed that I never gave a chance to Sarah and tried to get close to her because I’m so stuck on the idea of him dating Anya which is creepy.”

She responded that because it’s her house, she can go ahead and invite anyone she wants and she doesn’t need his approval to do so.

“I don’t care what she did to them, she’ll always be the one that got away for my brother in my eyes,” she revealed.

At the end of the conversation, her brother refused to come to Thanksgiving with his girlfriend Sarah, and he stuck to that. He was absent on Thanksgiving.

Her mom thinks that she’s in the right here and considers Sarah and her brother to be “insecure” and “toxic.”

On the other hand, her husband and her dad both think she was a jerk for not being sympathetic to Sarah and her brother’s feelings.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“You comment how it’s creepy that your brother thinks you haven’t given Sarah a chance because of Anya but that’s exactly how it seems.”

“In your eyes, she’s the one that got away from your brother? What the hell? You need to stop meddling in your brother’s love life.”

“It’s his decision who he dates. Technically you can invite whoever you like to your house but you did it with an agenda…”


“Your brother tells you that this Anya has tried to break up him and his GF of 3 years. And you invite her to a family affair?”

“Imagine how that must make Sarah feel. Imagine how it makes her feel that you are constantly wishing that your brother and Anya were together.”

“Your actions in this seem very creepy. Your husband and father are correct in this.”


“You are completely inconsiderate of your brother and his relationship and you trying to push something that does not exist.”

“You and your mother are the toxic ones acting like brats because you refuse to accept that your brother is his own person with his own life.”

“It is creepy how you are still trying to push this relationship that is clearly never going to happen and Anya is clearly hung up and being possessive of your brother, which is unhealthy, and you keep pushing it.”


“You don’t care how your brother feels, so you shouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t show up.”

“Anya isn’t “the one who got away” for him. He doesn’t want her as a girlfriend and never really did. You playing “who I want for a sister-in-law” is extremely disrespectful to your brother as a person; he’s not your doll and gets to choose who he wants to spend his life with.”


“Would you want to have dinner with someone who slept with your husband in the past and told you she was going to marry him??”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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