His Fiancée Tried To Sell An Expensive Present He Bought Her For Her Birthday And He’s Asking The Internet If He’s Justified In Being Angry At Her

A 28-year-old man has been together with his 29-year-old fiancée for the last 3 years now. He absolutely loves his fiancée and she has a lot of wonderful qualities.
“She does have expensive taste and works to afford most of her clothes and jewelry,” he explained.
“I work in IT for a state government agency. She works in her family’s company and does work part-time. We equally pay for the bills, rent, and essentials.”
Their upcoming wedding is not going to cost them a ton of money since they think it would be smarter to be able to save some and go on a nice honeymoon.
Well, his fiancée’s birthday was a few days ago, and for her birthday gift, she wanted a specific bracelet that matches several other ones that she has.
He bought that exact bracelet for her, which was around $400, and he had it beautifully gift wrapped at the store where he got it.
He also got her a lovely birthday card.
“We did a small celebration with a few of her friends and she was very excited to receive the bracelet,” he said. “She put it on and started showing it to her friends.”
Imagine his surprise when after his fiancé’s birthday was over, he was on Facebook marketplace and came across an ad for the bracelet he had bought for her.
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His fiancée was selling her birthday present, and she was asking more than what he had purchased it for in the first place.
His fiancée put her bracelet up for sale for $500, and as soon as he saw this he went to ask her about it.
When he did say something to his fiancée about selling her birthday gift, she was the one who got mad at him.
“She thinks that I was in the wrong for stalking her seller profile when I saw the listing appear when I refreshed the page,” he continued.
She did not give him a reason for why she asked for this specific present, then turned around and tried to sell it for more money than he paid for it.
He’s furious with his fiancée for selling such an expensive present, and he’s wondering if he’s justified in feeling this way.
He then added that he also recently purchased for his fiancée a pair of snow boots that cost $150, but he hasn’t witnessed her wearing the boots once since then.
He did confront her about the boots too and she claimed that her friend is wearing them right now.
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“I’d take the bracelet back and return it while you can, then dump her. She’s obviously using you. It’s really sad.”
“Normally I would say that once a gift is received it’s up to the recipient to do what they want with it. However in this case it’s really odd as you had just given it to her and she asked for it.”
“I could understand selling something if it wasn’t to your taste. It would also be understandable if she said she wanted it specifically because she knew she could flip it for a profit.”
“Instead she is accusing you of stalking her. Clearly, she is hiding something from you, which is concerning.”
“If there was a simple answer she wouldn’t be trying to turn this around and shift blame. Something is up and you really need to talk it out with her, especially if this is atypical behavior on her part.”
“Her immediately accusing her partner of stalking her by viewing a page available to the public proves she knows it’s wrong.”
“Well, if you choose to stay with her, you know only to give her unprofitable stuff: gift cards, personalized or engraved items, experiences, cash.”
“You bought her something and she immediately sold it.”
“I thought you were say that she sold it BC she didn’t use it, or whatever. It seems like she conned you into buying it for her, bc she knew she could sell it for more and figured you wouldn’t notice it gone right away (if at all).”
“I would be seriously reconsidering marrying someone who could take advantage of you like this. Sounds like a con artist to me.”
“How open are you about finances? If she’s angry at you for checking out her seller profile, she probably won’t react well when you inquire about her earnings, tax, and credit score – which are all important when building a life together.”
“Also tho, reselling a gift from your fiancée is in poor taste, so maybe a good time to discuss your shared values.”
“I wonder if the reason she was pushing to get this bracelet was due to the resale value? If she had sudden money problems, she should have spoken with you.”
“This was a gift that you JUST gave her, that she had requested…it’s rude and thoughtless to immediately turn around and sell it. It has emotional value.”
“This might be a very good indication that it’s time to step back and really think about the relationship. What she did was cold and calculating.”
“Make sure it’s not a crossed-wires situation, where there is more going on than you know (maybe a relative got her the exact same bracelet or she bought it for herself) but based on the facts presented, yikes.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.
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