Her Boyfriend Is Really Bad With Money And About To Be Homeless, But She Has No Idea How To Handle This

A 28-year-old woman has a 29-year-old boyfriend who is so bad with money that he’s about to be homeless.

Over the last 5 years, she has attempted to live with her boyfriend on multiple occasions, and they live in a major city.

Every time they end up living under the same roof, he won’t pay his portion of the rent on time at all.

Additionally, when he is able to give her rent money, it’s nearly never the entire amount that he owes her.

“He often mismanages his money and I end up having to pick up the slack,” she explained. “As soon as he gets paid, his money is gone.”

“I feel like I’m the mother to an adult child and it is a thankless job.”

“I’m too kind of a person to allow someone to starve right in front of me, so I usually end up buying his groceries and covering all utilities by myself.”

“It’s not like I have a money tree or a trust fund. I work a 9-5 and have a salary that puts me in the lower middle class. I have been fortunate enough that I learned to budget at a young age.”

Last September, her boyfriend moved into her apartment yet again, and though he was only planning on being there for a short 2-week stay, he’s still living with her 3 months after the fact.

leszekglasner – stock.adobe.com

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During those 3 months, her boyfriend decided to change jobs, so he completed a claims adjuster class and is trying to find a job doing that but so far he hasn’t landed one.

In the meantime, he works at a warehouse temporarily, but that’s come to an end very quickly as it was only for the holiday season.

“With his pay, he doesn’t currently financially qualify for an apartment in the area – at least not one he’d like to stay in,” she said.

“We agreed last month that his move-out date from my apartment would be January 15th. To date, he has maybe $30 to his name and still owes the last apartment he got evicted from about $700.”

She knows there is absolutely no chance that her boyfriend will miraculously come up with the money it will take for him to be able to afford a new place in just 5 days.

She did allow her boyfriend to continue living at her place until January is done, but she also is aware that her boyfriend isn’t going to be able to leave her place then.

“I’m not willing to keep allowing him to stay here while I basically cover his portion of the rent and food,” she continued.

“It makes me feel used. He knows it makes me feel used. We’ve talked multiple times about how him not pitching in on bills makes me feel. Nothing changes.”

Now, her boyfriend does have a solid option for housing; he could move 2 hours away to the town they are from since his parents will let him live with them.

Her boyfriend refuses to do this though and mentioned to her that he would be happier living out of his car at the end of January instead of moving back in with mom and dad.

She’s feeling less than happy with the relationship she has with her boyfriend over this issue (in addition to several more issues) and she is no longer really attracted to him.

She’s concerned there isn’t a chance for her to have a meaningful life with him considering he is so not responsible financially.

She wants her boyfriend to leave her apartment and her life, but it makes her feel terrible that he will be completely homeless if she kicks him out.

She’s no longer willing to keep continuing their relationship the way it is though, but she’s struggling with how to deal with this situation in the best way.

How would you feel in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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