Her Fiancé Is Going Skiing In Another Country With His Family Just Before Their Wedding And He Doesn’t Care That She’s Staying Home

A 26-year-old woman has been engaged to her 25-year-old fiancé for more than 2 years, and the reason they haven’t gotten married sooner is that her fiancé is straight-up lazy.
After she got pregnant, he realized they had to get this wedding done ASAP, and so they’ve been able to put one together quite quickly.
“Yesterday he gets a call from his family who offer to go on a ski trip,” she explained. “For a week. In February. In another country.”
Although she was invited to go with her fiancé and his family on their ski trip, which happens to be right before their wedding, she doesn’t feel comfortable going.
She has several reasons for not wanting to go on this trip, the first one being that she’s 5 months pregnant.
She’s worried about traveling internationally since there still is a global pandemic going on, and on top of that, she has never been that good with any snow-related sports so she’s concerned about falling and hurting her baby.
“Travelling to another country by plane to sit in a hotel room really doesn’t sound appealing or safe right now,” she said.
“Amongst themselves, they decided that’s fine – I can stay home and take care of the animals.”
“My to-be-SIL asked BF if I’d be fine with him going, to which he responded, “She doesn’t get to decide until we’re married.”

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That’s a pretty rude remark to make, and it’s so weird that they’re all completely alright with just leaving her behind.
Her mother-in-law was the one who planned this ski trip in the first place, and she really thinks that her mother-in-law has done all of this in order to somehow hurt her or sabotage her relationship.
This definitely has her feeling confused, since she always has gotten along great with her mother-in-law and she doesn’t understand what is going on here.
She has never gotten into any large arguments with her mother-in-law and she thought they had no problems.
“I’m just so shocked she’d do something like this,” she continued. “Honestly, I’m shocked that all of them see no problem with this plan.”
“I’m left with the option of being bridezilla-mega-b**** and ruining everyone’s fun or staying silent with a deep resentment for all of them.”
She’s not sure if she has a right to feel this way, or if she’s just overly sensitive due to being pregnant.
What do you think?
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