Her Fiancé Is Starting To Wear Makeup And Female Clothing So She Wants To Call Off Their Engagement

A 21-year-old woman has been with her fiancé for a bit over 4 years, and they got engaged over the summer.

She thinks her fiancé is her soulmate, and although he has cheated on her in the past, he completely changed for the better.

After her fiancé proposed to her, she thought everything between them was perfect…but then a few weeks later he revealed to her that he is actually bi.

“I said ok, asked him few question and he then told me that he wants to connect with his feminine side and do his makeup,” she explained.

“So I said ok, next day, we ended up going to ulta to buy him so makeup. I didn’t care for this stuff at all since he was with me and I felt that I had no need to worry.”

“Eventually, maybe a few weeks later my fiancée tells me that he wants to start wearing feminine clothes and think he might be female but isn’t sure since he likes being a man.”

While she said to her fiancé that she fully supports him, she made it clear to him that she is not into women, so she would like to break up with him.

“He then made a quick decision that he doesn’t want to be a woman and wants to be a man but still cross dress from time to time,” she said.

“I said ok but it didn’t sit right with me because I knew he wasn’t truthful.”

vladdeep – stock.adobe.com

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She then attempted to discuss this with him further, and she again insisted that they break up if he was serious about the cross dressing.

“He declined the idea and said he just won’t dress up anymore and that was the end of story but I didn’t want him to not be him so I would tell him to do his makeup and things of that nature still,” she continued.

“I felt guilty but I noticed how angry he got when I would bring it up so I stopped.”

A month after that, her fiancé began acting strange about his phone, and so she went through it when he wasn’t around.

She found photos of him wearing her clothing, in suggestive poses. There were literally hundreds of these photos of him, and she got upset since he had clearly hid this from her.

When she brought the photos up to him and asked what his gender identity was, he iinsisted that he did feel like a woman, but he doesn’t want to lose her so he’s going to stay a man.

They haven’t really touched the subject again after this, and she is in love with him but she’s afraid he’s living in a lie.

She’s considering calling off their engagement, since she’s not attracted to his cross-dressing ways, and she’s concerned that he’s not living his truth to make her happy.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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