His Girlfriend Reminded Her Brother That Their Mom Wanted To Give Him Up For Adoption And He No Longer Wants To Date Her After This

A 20-year-old man is dating his 22-year-old girlfriend, but after he witnessed something she cruelly said to her brother recently, he wants nothing to do with her now.
He first met his girlfriend when they were just kids. They all lived on the same block, and his girlfriend has a brother named Nick who is the same age as him.
His girlfriend and Nick’s mom was a single parent, and his girlfriend’s mom gave birth to his girlfriend when she was only 15 or 16-years-old.
His girlfriend’s mom had Nick two years after that, but Nick and his girlfriend have no idea who their dads are at all.
He and Nick were never best friends growing up, he figured they were more like buds, but despite that, the majority of the memories he has from being a kid include Nick in some way.
He wasn’t close to his girlfriend at all growing up; she hit her teen years and was more excited to hang out with boys than to play football with him and Nick.
Anyway, when the pandemic hit, he began texting with his girlfriend out of the blue, and a year after that, they decided to be friends with benefits.
“At first she gave me a bad vibe,” he explained. “IDK how to explain, she never gave me the impression that she is a good person.”
“And by that, I don’t mean being a mother Teresa, or caring about things that are out of control or stuff. She just… IDK, it seemed like she lacked empathy and stuff.”

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“And that was one of the reasons I avoided getting into something serious with her (IDK the way she saw things, this is just my perspective).”
“But after some time I kinda reconnected with Nick too, met her family, and grew attached to her. I can say I love her (or I could yesterday, IDK now).”
Now, he had heard about a rumor involving Nick; the rumor went that his girlfriend and Nick’s mom gave birth to Nick, then really did want to give him up for adoption.
His girlfriend and Nick’s mom accused Nick of ruining her life, and she did wind up dumping Nick at an orphanage for several weeks.
His girlfriend and Nick’s mom only went back to get Nick after her mom said she needed to.
Although this was just a rumor, he really could see how it was believable, because Nick had nothing when they were kids but his girlfriend was never neglected by their mom.
His girlfriend was the one who always wore brand new clothes, and in contrast, Nick wore basically rags.
Nick was always forced to run the errands, but his girlfriend was never asked to do that. He genuinely thinks that his girlfriend and Nick’s mom treated her children differently.
“I remember when we were like 10 and me and the others were envious because his muscles were so defined and he had abs,” he said.
“He didn’t. He was thin AF because he was hungry. And I feel sorry for him.”
“He is a smart guy but never did in school (as opposed to his sister) didn’t go to college, he never got his driver’s license because no one paid for lessons, and now he is a part-time alcoholic.”
A few hours ago, he went to his girlfriend’s house, and Nick was already there. Clearly, things between Nick and his girlfriend were not great earlier this morning.
His girlfriend began fighting with Nick, and then they screamed at one another. During the argument, his girlfriend said to Nick, “I wish mom left you at the orphanage.”
“He started crying and left home. I asked her WTF was she thinking, and she showed no remorse.”
His girlfriend then tried to be intimate with him, which he thought was incredibly messed up, so he left her house.
When he left, he did try to reach out to Nick, but he couldn’t get a hold of him. In the hours since the incident, he also has not spoken to his girlfriend.
He’s feeling like all the concerns about his girlfriend that he had in the beginning just became reality instead of unconfirmed worries.
His girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous on the outside, but clearly not on the inside.
“I think she showed me who she really is and I’m 100% sure I want nothing to do with this person,” he concluded.
He’s very upset about this, and it looks like his gut really was right about her after all.
How would you handle this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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