She Ruined Her Chances With A Guy She Really Liked So Now She’s Catfishing Him Through A Dating App

A 27-year-old woman fell completely in love with a guy she knew from her childhood recently, but after she says she ruined any chance of being with him, she decided to catfish him online.

This all started last year when she got in touch again with a guy that she first met back in elementary school.

She and this guy each have a sibling with a disability, and so she sent him a message to ask for his advice on how she could take better care of her disabled sibling while also trying to plan for her sibling’s future.

“I was so touched by their kindness, thoughtfulness, and their faith that I fell head over heels, but I was so nervous,” she explained.

“Indeed, I made myself look like a bozo by thinking too much and being insecure that I ruined any chance that I might have had for them to eventually like me.”

“I was so convinced that I didn’t deserve someone like him that I fumbled everything.”

It’s been several months since this whole situation went down, and no matter what, she cannot forget about this guy and put things behind her.

She’s convinced that she has a ton of things in common with this guy.

“He is on so many dating websites, and appears relentless in finding someone, we have so much in common why won’t he consider me?” she wondered.

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“Anyways, I made the huge mistake the create a fake profile to talk to him, we have been talking all night and we have a great connection.”

She believes that catfishing him is enabling her to be more genuine and let her true colors show to him…even though he has no idea it’s her on the other end of the screen here.

“I’m going to give you this weird analogy for happy potter fans, remember Ginny Weasley in the first movies?” she asked.

“She made herself look like a weirdo to Harry in the first movies because she was so nervous,” she continued.

“When she finally decided to calm down, Harry was able to see her real personality. This is the same situation with me, only behind a fake profile.”

Since she created a fake profile and catfished her crush, she’s spent hours on the app she met him through talking to him.

She thinks they both are enjoying themselves and laughing a lot, but she does feel awful “to lead him on.”

She’s left wondering what to do and how to handle things from here.

How would you feel in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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