His Wife Comes From A Hoarder Family And He’s Really Struggling With Living In This Disgusting Way

Falling in love is a beautiful thing. However, the euphoria we feel, stemming from an adrenaline kick and high levels of dopamine, “blinds” us to some hard truths.

For example, Psychology Today says, “if you do a Google search, you’ll observe how frequently scientists have pointed out that falling in love has neurological effects virtually indistinguishable from cocaine.

I think the illusions of perfection our minds create allow us to forgive negativity in the objects of our affection.

This is what happened when this young couple began their life together. They started dating when they were 21, moved in together at 24, and are now married and expecting a child at 25.

The wife entered the relationship with full disclosure of her past. She came from an impoverished family living in squalor and filth her entire life.

Growing up, no one ever knew how they lived. So she kept it to herself until they met four years ago. Her grandmother and parents are hoarders-the real thing.

We’re talking houses full of garbage and useless crap everywhere. It’s overwhelming.

The apple doesn’t fall from the tree. She brought bad habits of not cleaning and not caring. She’s a slob and only washes clothes and dishes. Her washing isn’t exactly sanitary either, but the husband looked beyond her flaws.

He continued to clean up after his wife until he finally realized he “no longer wanted to live like a slob” and was tired of constantly cleaning up after her.

Andrey Kiselev – stock.adobe.com

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It’s to the point where there are piles everywhere. “Our house has been packed with more and more stuff since the wedding,” he revealed.

“It’s not terrible, but it is messy, and it drives me nuts. There have been 2 times in the last month that she’s left milk, either in a bowl or cup, to spoil over the course of a week.”

“When she blows her nose, she throws the paper towards the garbage can in our room but misses and leaves it on the floor.”

“Loads of food get left lying around. We had roaches for a while, but I managed to get rid of them for now. There are just (expletive) piles of things that she never uses or looks at sitting in one of the rooms… I could go on, and on.”

Their relationship has almost reached its boiling point. Her parents need a place to live after they used all their money to pay for her wedding, rendering them homeless.

The couple only has a two-bedroom apartment, which is already almost full of items the wife has collected or neglected.

The situation, along with other, preventable issues have caused arguments and brought an enormous amount of stress to their new marriage and impending parenthood.

The frustrated husband is reaching out for help on Reddit.

This subject is close to my heart. Honestly, I’m addicted to the show Hoarders on A&E. I could spend hours binging these trainwrecks.

IMDb describes Hoarders as “a reality show that features compulsive hoarders, people who are addicted to filling their homes with objects and how that spills out into their lives.”

This show is disturbing and fascinating at the same time. Sometimes when I’m watching it, I hide my eyes and throw up in my mouth a little, wondering what the hell is wrong with these people. Why would collecting soiled adult diapers and roach and rat-infested trash be okay?

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, “hoarding is the persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value. The behavior usually has deleterious effects—emotional, physical, social, financial, and even legal—for a hoarder and family members.”

“For those who hoard, the quantity of their collected items sets them apart from other people. Commonly hoarded items may be newspapers, magazines, paper and plastic bags, cardboard boxes, photographs, household supplies, food, and clothing.”

All of this extreme hoarding has to start somewhere. Unfortunately, it already started in this young family’s life.

I don’t know anything, but it takes a long time to establish these habits and an even longer time to get rid of them.

All I can say is, good luck, buddy. You’ve got to either choose to keep up the lifestyle you’ve enabled-by cleaning all by yourself or stand by the love of your life and get her some therapy.

Either way, it’s a long road ahead. Hopefully, that road won’t be covered in old dirty diapers and cat crap.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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