She Just Moved Across The Entire Country To Be With Her Boyfriend, Only To Discover That He’s Active On Tinder

A 25-year-old woman first met her 25-year-old boyfriend back in middle school, where they quickly hit it off and became “sweethearts.”
Since then, they lost touch but re-entered each other’s lives 3 years ago. Not long after that, they decided to try dating, which was long-distance, and they have been together now for 2 years.
At the beginning of her dating her middle school crush again, she was pursuing her Master’s Degree in another country.
When the pandemic hit, she was forced to move back to the town that she and her boyfriend grew up in.
“Shortly after my BF landed a great job across the country and asked me to move in with him which I did without hesitation since my classes were online!” she exclaimed.
“A few months in there were disputes on house chores, drinking habits, video games but then he started calling out of work….and needless to say it really freaked me out.”
“I moved everything I had to be with him and I only had minimum wage income since I’m still a student.”
“However, his income wasn’t affected…just worried me since we had moved out here for this job. I asked him how I could help him if he was depressed and wanted counseling but he wasn’t responsive to much.”
Right after this issue, their intimacy slowed down. She attempted to discuss with him how they could work together to reignite the “spark” that they previously had.

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She also suggested that they schedule a few date nights, and she brought up going to therapy as a couple as well, but he wasn’t interested in any of the options she laid out.
“…After 8 months of all of this with me trying to talk with him and support him then I find tinder on his phone,” she explained.
She discovered that in the 9 months she’s been living here in this other state with her boyfriend, he downloaded Tinder just 3 months into them making their big move.
Her boyfriend tried to tell her that he downloaded Tinder just because he was “bored” and that he frequently deleted the app in the 6 months that he’s had it, yet he would wind up downloading it again.

“He says he wants to stay together and work on the relationship but I’ve decided to move back home to focus on finishing my degree and see where the relationship goes,” she continued.
She’s left wondering what other women would do in her situation. I know I would be dumping this guy for good and never looking back!
What would you do? You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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