Pretty Much Everyone In Her Hometown Hates Her Over Something That Happened Back In High School And 3 Years Later She’s Struggling To Move On

A 21-year-old woman currently attends college in a separate state from the one that she grew up in, and the town where she grew up in happens to be a suburb located just outside of a major city.
Several years ago back in her hometown, she went to a high school that had a lot of kids in it.
“I had a pretty rough junior and senior year of high school due to slander and gossip from (ex) friends, some of my family members, students, parents of students, and teachers,” she explained.
“Prior to my junior year, I was the quiet kid and was bullied for my looks (not overweight, just ugly).”
“In my junior year, I made more friends and started hanging out with “popular” (I hate to use this term) people.”
Well, when her junior year was about halfway done, many of her friends accused her of gossiping about them and they also accused her of not being able to keep any of their secrets.
These untrue rumors wound up completely assassinating her character, and it was a set group of individuals that first exposed her as a gossip, although it wasn’t completely true.
This group of people who turned around and ruined her life did share gossip with her on a regular basis, but she only participated in what they did on occasion and she doesn’t think that in itself made her a terrible person at all.
Anyway, after this group of people began spreading their own set of rumors about her, her friends then joined in and began talking about her behind her back as well.

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Her former friends mentioned that she was ugly, said she was awful at playing the instrument that she played, and said other mean and hurtful things about her.
In an effort to then defend herself from this attack, she started trying to gossip to protect herself from the onslaught.
“Prior to this, I had always been considered nice and mature but I guess I just talked bad about the wrong people at the wrong time,” she said.
“The gossip about me didn’t stop there-soon everyone in my hometown was accusing me of being a bad person and spreading false rumors(people went as far as to make up things that I had allegedly said).”
“Even teachers and my own family didn’t believe me.”
It’s been three years since this all happened, but she cannot move past it at all. She currently suffers from issues with her self-esteem and trusting people, and it’s prevented her from being able to make any friends in college.
The few friends she has managed to make and keep are downright abusing her, and when she does end up going back to the town she’s from, other people there gossip about her or flat-out ignore her existence.
She’s really struggling with how she can move on and put this all behind her in the past, where it belongs.
What do you think? You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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