She Found Out That Her Fiancé Made A Secret Account On A Dating App And Started Talking To Another Woman

A 29-year-old woman has been engaged to her 33-year-old fiancé for one year now and she was dating him for one year before that.
She admits that she is very insecure, but she has attempted to work her way through her insecurities along with the support of her fiancé.
Over the course of the pandemic, the relationship she had with her fiancé began to get rocky. Her fiancé’s mental health declined and that put her through a lot of bad things.
Our relationship suffered during the pandemic as his mental health took a nosedive and I had to put up with some awful stuff as a result.
Then her fiancé lost the job that he had, and she was forced to be the only provider for them for a year and a half.
They’re currently in terrible debt because she was the only one with a job for such a long time.
Last September, she confronted her fiancé and told him that he could either get some help from a counselor, or she was going to end the relationship.
Her fiancé agreed to go to counseling, but he did not do it regularly and quit going entirely. Her fiancé then got a new job, and she thought things were looking up from there.
“Long story short, today we had a bit of a row and he was packing his stuff saying he was done and a whole load of other things he said to get a reaction from me but eventually he calmed down and confessed he wasn’t happy and he hadn’t been happy for the past couple of weeks,” she explained.

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“I was shocked. I thought we were actually on the up, our communication was better and I was feeling happy.”
“He told me the night before when we’d gone out to see our respective friends, he’d said he wished he hadn’t “jumped the gun in proposing” because he wasn’t financially stable.”
“He also joked about talking to his friend about cheating and how he could never lead a double life.”
Well, this harsh dose of honesty from her fiancé had her questioning him about their future. She asked her fiancé if he wanted to break up with her, but he said he didn’t want to.
She then asked her fiancé if he was looking to take a break from her, but he said no to that too.
We talked and talked and I asked him what he wanted – I asked him if he wanted to break up. He said no.
They talked some more, she apologized to him for being so insecure, and her fiancé insisted that he was still in love with her and wanted to stay together.
“So we cleared the air, I felt secure and I was on my phone about to fall asleep when I noticed I had a message request on Instagram,” she said.
“At first I thought it was a scam and I asked him immediately if this message stating he’d been on Tinder and matched with their friend was true.”
“He denied it. He messaged them back and said he didn’t want to see the screenshots, he was furious and was ranting that someone had hacked him.”

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“Up until this point, this man has always made me feel so secure. We’d been together all the time, how could he have possibly set up a fake Tinder?”
Her fiancé handed over his phone so she could look at it as she asked the woman who sent her an Instagram message for screenshots of the conversation.
As soon as she got a hold of the screenshots, she could clearly see that it was her fiancé’s phone number, so he was lying to her.
Her fiancé still said this was all fake, but clearly, it was all real.
“Immediately he stormed out and said he was sorry, that he’d only done it to see if he “still had it,” she continued.
“He went to the lengths of creating a fake profile – including our dog!!! – and then setting his WhatsApp chat to disappear or whatever.”
“He said he wasn’t going to meet her but the texts were so explicit – he wanted to know where she lived and if she could drive.”
She also could see in the screenshots of his profile that he snapped a selfie while sitting right there on their living room couch.
This broke her to see, and her fiancé finally revealed to her that he has been very miserable with himself and he just went into self-destruction.
He really didn’t offer up any other reason for why he created the secret dating profile and started talking to this other woman.
“I have spent 2 years fighting this man’s demons with him, never letting him feel alone, keeping a roof over his head, and trusting him implicitly,” she added.
“My friends want me to leave and I hate him so much for doing this to me – the one thing I always said to him was to never cheat, always talk to me and end it first.”
“But I love him and our life together and I know it’s still fresh but I’m not sure what to do. This has set back my insecurities and the trust is gone but I’m not sure I can throw this all away knowing just how much he tries to self-sabotage.”
She’s understandably not sure where to go from here.
How would you handle this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
More About:Human Interest