She Put A Camera Inside Her Fridge Without Telling Her Roommates About It And She’s Asking The Internet If She Should Have Told Them All First

A 20-year-old woman currently lives in a house with three other young women named Zoe, Sara, and Kate.
Zoe and Kate are good friends, but she and none of the other girls are close at all. She’s on decent terms with Zoe and Sara, but she dislikes Kate.
“We have a shared fridge, where we have a shelf for each of our stuff,” she explained. “I have noticed that my food and milk constantly goes missing.”
“I see multiple times a week that a large portion of my food and milk is gone. It’s unbelievably frustrating, and also very time-consuming and expensive having to buy/cook new food.”
Although she had no proof, she strongly suspected Kate was the one stealing her food from her out of the fridge.
She thought Kate was the one doing this because she knows Kate stays up until the early hours of the morning and goes to bed between 1 am to 4 am.
Although she never is awake at those hours, she is an early riser and when she gets up in the morning, she always sees some of her things are no longer in the fridge.
She has asked her roommates about who has been stealing from her, with weird results. Zoe and Sara have always insisted it was not them, while Kate always gets defensive and claims she can’t be accused of something without evidence.
Not too long ago, she revealed to one of her friends that her thins are disappearing from the fridge, and it turns out, he had the same problem.
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Her friend decided to purchase a camera for his fridge to see who the culprit was, and she thought this was brilliant.
So, she purchased her own camera, put it in the fridge in a place where it wasn’t obvious, and didn’t tell her roommates about it.
“Sure enough, it was Kate, raiding my food daily,” she said. “I confronted her about it because now I had proof.”
“I showed her the footage, told her to never do it again, and that she should repay me for what she took.”
Kate absolutely lost it on her and said she had no right to put the camera inside of their fridge without getting permission from everyone in the house.
Kate was furious because she thought it was an invasion of privacy to record them all in the safety of their own home and without them all knowing.
“I explained the camera only recorded the inside of the fridge, not the whole kitchen, but she didn’t care,” she continued.
“She has since said she’ll never be able to feel safe in her own home again.” Zoe is on Kate’s side, and both girls think she’s a jerk for what she did.
She only put the camera in there without asking everyone first because she wanted to catch whoever was stealing her food in the act.
She has said to her roommates that if Kate had not taken her food without asking and lied on top of it she never would have purchased the fridge camera in the first place, but Kate and Zoe don’t want to hear it.
Meanwhile, Sara is siding with her on this issue, and now there’s tension between all the girls.
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“She said not to accuse her without proof – you GOT the proof she demanded.”
“It was only in the fridge and got her the proof she needed that Kate said she needed before accusing her. Maybe Kate will think twice before stealing people’s food.”
“She did try to solve it like an adult. She spoke to each of her roommates and tried to resolve the issue through communication, and Kate had a bratty meltdown.”
“Then continued to steal food anyway. And if she had told them beforehand, Kate would have had another tantrum regardless. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t.”
“This was an ongoing issue that was raised. Everybody said they didn’t do it so you went the only route you could think of to confirm who it was.”
“You said the camera didn’t record anything else except the fridge so there’s no invasion of privacy unless Kate had an expectation of privacy inside of the fridge. She doesn’t.”
“Most likely she’s just gaslighting you or deflecting blame so she doesn’t seem like the bad guy.”
“This Kate sounds like a real piece of work. It sucks but seems you should move out to avoid this s*** show of a household. I’d also get my own mini-fridge.”
“If they bring up the camera, ask “Why were you stealing from me? When will you be paying me back for stealing from me?” If they say they don’t feel safe, ask “Why were you stealing from me? When will you be paying me back for stealing from me?” If her friend comes at you, ask her “But why was she stealing from me?”
“Don’t even begin to address the camera. Don’t respond to any complaints about it directly. Keep emphasizing, to everyone who lives there, that this is about theft and nothing else.”
“Probably would have told everyone in the house if my food kept going missing that I’d be putting a fridge camera in.”
“If the thief was so concerned about getting caught they’d stop and that would solve the problem going forward without violating anyone’s expectation of privacy in their own home.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.
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