She Knows Her Boyfriend Has Been Shopping For A Used Engagement Ring On eBay And She’s Upset About This

A 35-year-old woman is in a relationship with her 37-year-old boyfriend, and she just found out from her boyfriend’s two children that he’s been shopping for an engagement ring for her.

Her boyfriend is planning on proposing to her shortly, and she recently saw him on eBay looking up used engagement rings.

It’s not really a surprise that he wants to propose to her soon, since they have talked about marriage, but it is a surprise to her that he’s getting her a ring that someone else has already worn.

She did send her boyfriend pictures of different engagement rings that she wanted, and they were all around $2,570 to $3,381.

All the rings that she wanted came from one very particular company, but clearly her boyfriend didn’t go with what she thought was the best for her.

“When I sent him the screenshots he expressed surprise about how expensive they were and i said well how much were you planning on spending then?!” she explained.

“He didn’t answer. I then said “i want to be wearing this ring for the rest of my life, I want it to be nice, good quality and something i am proud and excited to wear. I would rather wait to get engaged and have the type of ring I would like.” He didn’t say anything.”

Her boyfriend routinely buys different kinds of jewelry on eBay that always is listed as “a bargain” and her boyfriend does make sure it’s real after he has it in his hands.

However, she’s had an awful experience with jewelry her boyfriend previously purchased on eBay for her.

Piman Khrutmuang –

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For her birthday, he got her a necklace that she felt looked extremely cheap. It then broke after she wore it for just two days, so this left a really bad taste in her mouth.

She’s concerned that if her boyfriend follows through with getting her an engagement ring on eBay, the stones might come off.

She really wants him to get her ring from a place known for engagement rings and she wants her ring to come with a warranty in case anything goes wrong with it.

“I also find the idea of a secondhand ring really unnerving,” she said. “An heirloom from his family or mine would be different but a second hang ring from eBay… I feel like that’s bad luck.”

“How do I say this all to him? I will actually be gutted if he gets a bad luck ring that I don’t like that I can’t go and change. Help!”

How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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