She Was Supposed To Be Her Best Friend’s Maid Of Honor But Now She Wants To Never Talk To Her Again For The Rest Of Her Life

A woman had a best friend named Myra that she has known since they were both back in kindergarten together.

Everything she has celebrated in her life, Myra has been there for, and she has always cheered Myra on in her own accomplishments.

3 years ago, she got married, and naturally, Myra was her maid of honor. Myra is set to get married in 2023, and she was also supposed to be Myra’s maid of honor too until things went completely south in their friendship.

Now, after she got married to her husband, they started trying for a child right away. They tried for a year before she became pregnant, and she was absolutely overjoyed.

Sadly, after 11 weeks of pregnancy, she lost her baby and then became very depressed.

“I told Myra about this and she was understanding and sweet,” she explained. “My next miscarriage came 8 months after.”

“It was a complicated ectopic pregnancy that took 5 surgeries and 6 months to resolve. During all of this time, I felt still pregnant and absolutely miserable.”

“At first, Myra was understanding but she soon stopped asking about my recovery process and when I still talked about where I was at she seemed astonished and said things like: “oh, it’s still not ok?”

Then, just a couple of days before she was going in for her final surgery, Myra revealed to her that she was also trying to get pregnant before her wedding.

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Myra mentioned to her that she really understood how she was feeling during her miscarriages since she was not pregnant after trying for a whole month without being pregnant.

Obviously, this is not the same situation as all, and she was upset by what Myra said to her, especially since she had gone through 2 years of miscarriages and trying to get pregnant, which she felt didn’t compare to one month of Myra’s pregnancy journey.

One month later, Myra did get pregnant and shared the news with her not long into learning of her pregnancy.

“I congratulated her and hoped she would also ask about how I was,” she said. “She didn’t. She talked a lot about how scared she was to miscarry and I felt somehow forced into telling her this wouldn’t happen to her (like to me…).”

When she finished chatting with Myra, she sobbed for an entire hour. She then decided to limit her conversations with Myra, and she was surprised that Myra didn’t try to talk to her at all after that conversation.

She and her husband continued on their pregnancy journey, with their next step being fertility treatments since she required that after undergoing all of her surgeries.

Myra was aware that she and her husband were starting the fertility treatments, but Myra never once reached out to check on her or see how all of that was going.

In turn, she chose not to reach out to Myra to inquire about how her pregnancy was going at that point.

She did end up talking to Myra about a couple of subjects that had nothing to do with either of their pregnancy journeys, though Myra never made an effort to reach out to her about anything first.

Finally, she had some good news: she was pregnant this past November. Sadly, she miscarried in the early part of December.

She didn’t let Myra know about this, and then around Christmas, she sent Myra a present like she does every year, and Myra sent her one in return.

“Her Christmas present to me came with a letter,” she continued. “In the letter, she told me how disappointed she was that I wasn’t happy and excited for her pregnancy.”

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“She had expected me to be better than this despite my “hardships” as she called my miscarriages.”

“She said she had a lot on her mind now with the last stages of pregnancy and that she couldn’t deal with a friend like this anymore and would reduce contact to me until she, her husband, and her baby were settled in.”

“I think in my whole life words have never upset me as much as this letter.”

She tossed Myra’s letter right in the garbage, went on social media so that she could block Myra from seeing anything, and took every single item that Myra ever gifted or gave to her and put it up for sale online.

She has no interest in attending Myra’s wedding next year or being her maid of honor after getting this upsetting letter.

She’s also positive she will never speak to Myra again for the rest of her life.

How would you deal with Myra if you were her? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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