She Went On A Few Dates With A Guy She Met Online And She Thought Things Were Going Great But Now He’s Ghosted Her

Nejron Photo -
Nejron Photo -

A woman met a guy online around a month ago, and from the first time that they spoke to one another, it seemed they were very compatible.

She had a ton of things in common with this guy, and it was very easy to chat with him, but it’s not like they were speaking every single hour of the day since they both work a lot.

After speaking for a bit, this guy asked her out on a first date and she was excited to accept. In the days before her first date with him, he slowed down on the texting and that definitely bummed her out since she really was starting to like him.

“We went to a brewery on our first date and the time flew by we had lots of chemistry and even stayed until the place closed,” she explained.

“At the end of the date, he hugged and said he can’t wait to see me again. He texted me that night asking me out again of course I said yes and arranged a date and time.”

He asked her on the second date a week in advance, and she was disappointed that she didn’t hear anything from him at all until the day of their date.

The day of their second date, this guy sent her a text to make sure they were still on for later, which she confirmed.

“We went out on your second date and it was just as fun as the first, we really got to know each other more and time flew by,” she said.

“I thought we really had a connection. He texts me the next day asking me out again but coming up with different ideas on what we can do like cooking and then a walk on the beach.”

Nejron Photo –

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At this point, he mentioned seeing her on a weekend and also a weekday, so essentially two dates in one week.

He also expressed concern for her work schedule and let her know that any day that worked best for her for their dates would work for him.

“…He seemed like he was really going out of his way to hang out with me,” she continued. “I agreed to the beach and dinner date.”

“We didn’t confirm a date or time we just said yeah let’s do it. It’s been a week since our second date and I’ve heard nothing.”

He hasn’t said a single word to her, though she sent him a text three days ago now to ask when it would be good for him to go on their next date.

“Did he lose interest?” she wondered. “Was I ghosted? I thought he liked me, the way he looked at me on our dates he really seemed interested in what I had to say…”

She’s left thinking she probably should send him a follow-up text, but she’s worried it might come across as “desperate.”

Do you think she should text this guy or keep it moving?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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