She Wore A Bikini On Her Family’s Beach Vacation And After Her Mom Accused Her Of Being Inappropriate She’s Asking The Internet If She Did Embarrass Everyone

Last summer, a 22-year-old woman went on a beach vacation with her family. They all stayed in a gorgeous house on the beach for a whole week, but the vacation didn’t end well at all for her after her mom accused her of being inappropriate.

She is very reserved by nature, so for the entire vacation, she had on a sundress that was down to her ankles.

“I had a great time at the beach, but my mom was fuming the whole time and refused to tell anyone why,” she explained.

“When I got back from vacation and was packing up to go back to college, she busted into my room and demanded how on earth I would think it was okay to dress like that in front of my brothers and dad.”

“She said that I was “mooning everyone” on the beach and that it was embarrassing for her and that if I dressed like that when I was a kid she would’ve “locked me in the hot car.”

She was absolutely blindsided by what her mom said because all she was wearing at the beach was a bikini, and it wasn’t the low coverage kind.

Her bikini top had a sports-bra kind of scoop neck, and the bottom was cheeky, but not a thong or something like that at all.

She just didn’t think her bikini was inappropriate at all, and she figured maybe her mom was upset about one incident in the beach where she got hit by a wave and it caused her bottoms to move a bit but still, it wasn’t like she was showing much at all even when that happened.

She tried to stay calm as she let her mom know that she’s not a child anymore, so nobody can dictate to her what she should be wearing, but she did also tell her mom that she was sorry she was so upset.

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“My sisters were wearing them too and she didn’t talk to them about it,” she said.

“Plus, the idea that she would think wearing a bikini around my brothers and dad is “wrong” really made my skin crawl.”

“This seemed to tick her off even more, and she accused me of trying to seduce my brother-in-law by wearing a two-piece. (Note: he wasn’t even on vacation with us, he was out of state).”

Her mom ended the conversation by insisting that she had to put on a one-piece for all future family vacations or she would be banned from attending. She just said alright and walked off after that.

Although this all happened last summer, her mom began talking about this recently, and it made her wonder if she was somehow in the wrong or embarrassing to her family.

“But my mom has bullied me for my appearance since I was in elementary school and controlled the things that I wore and ate so strictly that it gave me an ED,” she continued.

“I felt like by standing up to her I was standing up for myself. Plus, she said all those mean things. Was I really being inappropriate in front of my family?”

“I really didn’t do anything at the beach besides collecting shells, sunbathing on a towel, and swimming.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“Put her on blast. You should tell your Dad and brothers what she said…Ask them why your own mother thinks her sons were you checking out their own sister.”

“You say your mother has bullied you your entire life. Cut contact already. She’s gross and abusive.”


“I was gonna say, there are some super revealing one-pieces. Or go the other way and get a burqini.”


“First of all…you are way beyond old enough to have freedom in what you wear. Second…if she’s implying what you’re wearing is inappropriate around your male family members…either the male family members are sick or she is sick for implying that they think of your body in that way (and it sounds like the ladder).”

“I’m sorry your mother embarrassed you and has made so many unnecessary comments about your body over the years. I truly relate and their words are so harsh in the back of your head even years later.”


“Is the Borat swimming thing considered one piece?”


“It sounds like you might be a little more “blessed” in the looks department. In High School, we had a dress code but it was only enforced on the “blessed” girls.”

“Some girls could wear shorts or tank tops or leggings and no one batted an eyelash…. but if you were busty or had a nice rump? Forget about it.”

“Your mom is being hypocritical. She’s also being cruel and I wonder if she is jealous of you.”


“Your mother is a freaking psycho. There are so many layers to this, where to start? Thinking your dad and brothers can’t control themselves around their daughter/sister is creepy.”

“Beyond creepy. What even. Bringing up your BIL who wasn’t even there. And all of her demands. She’s a very sick individual who needs to get a handle on herself.”


“Your mom has some serious issues. Whether it’s internalized misogyny or straight-up jealousy, it’s hard to say, but it’s absolutely not your issue.”

“I know it’s easy for me to say just stick up for yourself and ignore her, but believe me when I tell you this has everything to do with her and nothing you did wrong.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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