The Guy That She’s Been Seeing Kisses His Male Friends But This Makes Her Super Uncomfortable

A woman has been seeing a guy now for around 3 or 4 months, and she truly believes she is quickly “falling in love” with this guy.

He’s met her family and her friends, and her loved ones adore him. People think that she’s perfect for him and he’s perfect for her.

“We connect on so many levels and even in my past relationships, I have never felt this way about someone,” she explained.

“There is just one issue and I’m really trying not to be too judgmental especially bc many of my friends are part of the LGBT community, but I’m just not sure how to feel about it.”

“He kisses his guy friends as a joke. The first time it happened I was taken aback and was honestly pretty uncomfortable but they were all really drunk so I did think it was a drunken joke.”

Well, the guy that she’s seeing has continued to kiss his male friends two times after this, all while claiming it’s just a joke.

The thing is, she thinks his behavior has gone way past the point of joking.

The very first time that she saw this guy kiss his friends, she definitely wasn’t happy, but since they were not official in their relationship, she didn’t think she was allowed to really say anything to him.

After it happened, she never brought it up to him either since she was also trying to keep her mind open. –

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“He has told me many times that he wants me to be his girlfriend and even said he loves me multiple times, I’m the one who has not wanted to fully commit yet as I take relationships really slow and want to get to know people for a lot longer than most before deciding to officially date them,” she said.

“But this has now happened three times and quite honestly I think it’s really weird. It happened last night and I was pretty drunk as well so I just couldn’t hold my tongue and I brought it up to him after we left.”

Although she did talk to this guy about it, she never mentioned that it made her uneasy. Instead, she questioned him about how frequently he does kiss his friends and if he thinks he has feelings for guys.

She tried very hard to be accepting of him, but this guy got extremely defensive and said the reason he’s doing this is not that he likes his friends romantically at all.

He insisted it was only a joke.

“He got very defensive and insisted that he’s not gay or bi and that it’s just a joke and everyone does it,” she continued.

“I was then very confused bc in my experience it is not normal and he insisted that I was in the minority in thinking that.”

“He also said it hardly ever happens but it has now happened three times in only the last two months so to me that is pretty frequent.”

The following day, this guy told her that she really did hurt him with what she said, and she offered up a genuine apology.

She felt terrible, and she still does, because she didn’t say what she did to hurt him at all; she’s just uncomfortable with him kissing his friends and wanted to see if there was more meaning to it.

“I really do want to commit to him fully but with this, I am not sure I can if he continues to do it,” she concluded.

She’s concerned that she is being judgemental here.

What would you do in her situation? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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