She Refused To Bake A Gender Reveal Cake For The Woman Her Husband Cheated On Her With And She’s Asking The Internet If She’s Allowed To Do That

A 23-year-old woman was previously married to her 35-year-old ex-husband, but while she was pregnant with their twins (who are now 1-year-old) he cheated on her.
Her pregnancy was extremely complicated, and she ended up bed-ridden for part of it. While she was lying in bed afraid for the lives of the babies she was carrying, her husband was seeing another woman without her even knowing.
As soon as she found out her husband was cheating, she divorced him.
“He’s a good dad and his girlfriend is now pregnant,” she explained. “He cheated on me with his current girlfriend but she didn’t know he had a wife at the time, and I firmly believe that.”
Anyway, she is the owner of a baking company that’s quite successful, and a lot of her work involves gender reveal cakes and all kinds of custom desserts.
“My husband’s girlfriend called me and asked if I would be willing to do a gender reveal cake for them and said it would mean a lot of “the mother of her baby’s siblings made the cake for the party,” she said.
She didn’t tell her ex-husband’s girlfriend no off the bat; she mentioned that she would need to consider it then give her an answer.
After thinking things through, she did get back to her ex-husband’s girlfriend and let her know that she could not make her gender reveal cake for her.
“I am admittedly incredibly bitter at my ex for cheating on me while I was bedridden and medically fragile being pregnant with his children, and I don’t want to be involved in the celebration of their new child,” she continued.
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“I did specify that it wasn’t her, but I couldn’t do it and she said alright and hung up.”
Well, right after that, her ex-husband called her. Her ex berated her over the phone, saying that she was “unreasonable,” “rude,” and “unprofessional.”
Her ex wanted her to put their problems behind them and make the cake. She insisted that she could choose to not work with someone for any reason, and then she hung up the phone.
She does know her feelings about her ex and his cheating on her did influence her decision to not make the gender reveal cake for him and his girlfriend.
While she does feel justified in her feelings about what happened to her, she’s wondering if she’s allowed to do what she did or if it makes her, well, a jerk.
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“First, congratulations on your babies! Second, I agree with your stance on refusing service to them. How narcissistic of your ex! This is epic “adding insult to injury.”
“See, me, being the bitter person I would be in this situation, would offer to make it, but instead of blue or pink, the inside would be black…or full of shrimp or something gross.”
“This is why I wouldn’t be good as a baker, or an ex.”
“You handled this beautifully and with class. You’re a wonderful co-parent and role model to your babies.”
“Honestly, it was really generous of you to even think it over. And I 100% guarantee he was assuming they’d get a friends-and-family discount.”
“She seems like she has a good heart (maybe I’m wrong) and asked, but it’s fair to say no. And it seems like she didn’t even make a stink about it. That’s on your ex.”
“Your circumstances mean your unwillingness to be involved was perfectly understandable.”
“Professional”? You aren’t just any local bakery, the GF asked you specifically to do it for personal reasons, and you’re allowed to decline for personal reasons.”
“You’re not rude. You’re not unreasonable. And your ex is completely lacking in tact and empathy. It’s a freaking cake. They can get one anywhere.”
“I used to be a travel agent and my ex and his mother (who hated me) came to me to book a trip not long after we broke up (due to him cheating on me). I booked their trip and added an AH tax to their booking.”
“You definitely don’t need to make their cake if you don’t want to. While it’s great you like her and all, she is still with him even though she now knows that he cheated on you with her and left you while you were preggers.”
“Honestly, you have to question her common sense there.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.
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