
This Bikini Designer And Influencer Received Serious Backlash For The Reasons She Gave For Not Wanting To Have Children

Of course, having to justify to outsiders that your life is rich enough, as is, always presents an uphill battle.

But, frankly, the fullness of Karina’s life has nothing to do with anyone else. 

However, being an influencer, Karina feels obligated to explain her life choices to the public, hoping that raising awareness will help her audience better understand friends or family who chose to live the same way.

Creating acceptance for couples who decide not to have kids is a massive hurdle in some cultures and family units.

If Karina and Ryan can make a difference in others’ lives and relationships—and even take some of the pressure off them—we’re thankful they’re doing it.

Karina also supports her choice with solid reasoning. She cites global turmoil as a primary factor in their decision against having a big family. 

“The thought of putting another human on this planet scares me right now.” Karina shares.

“Humanity is single-handedly destroying the planet. Climate change. War. Sickness. Divisive politics. I could go on.” 

“Why on earth would we want to put another person on this planet to clean up, deal with or die in this mess we’ve created,” she asks her followers.

Karina received a lot of criticism for her initial post and even took to Instagram to post some of the disparaging comments she’d received. 

In her new post, she restates her position, expressing that she knows the difference between parenthood and owning your own business—since most of the hateful comments are from parents who resent the comparison.

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