This College Girl Thinks That She Might Have Slept With Her Friend’s Boyfriend But She Can’t Remember

Last weekend, a college girl went to her friend’s on-campus apartment so she could hang out and drink with this guy and some of their other friends.

She brought her best friend with her that night, but before they headed to their friend’s apartment, they went out to dinner together and wound up getting wasted.

After they finished dinner, they ended up at their friend’s apartment and started drinking more and playing some games with everyone.

Not long after she got there, the boyfriend of one of her close friends began flirting with her, and everyone saw what was happening.

She really had no idea how to handle the situation, but when she woke up the following morning, she was sure she slept with him although she didn’t remember it at all.

“Long story short I blacked out HARD and do not remember a thing, but I woke up in his bed Sunday morning with my pants off,” she explained.

“I talked to my best friend about it and she said I shouldn’t say anything while another one of my best friends said I have to.”

“I left my underwear there and was planning on coming over to pick them up yesterday and talk to him about what happened and how we were gonna tell her.”

She wasn’t able to go back to her friend’s boyfriend’s place to grab her underwear before her friend learned that she did sleep with the guy.

puhhha –

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Her friend furiously confronted her over text for sleeping with her boyfriend, and everything spiraled out of control.

She hurried over to her friend’s boyfriend’s place to speak to him, but he confided in her that he really did not remember a whole lot of Saturday night either.

Although her friend’s boyfriend wasn’t entirely sure what happened, he did recall a few things and for some reason felt the need to let all of his roommates know about it.

His roommates in turn talked about them sleeping together with other people on campus, and that’s how her friend found out.

Her friend found out so quickly she had no time to process the situation or even let her know what went down that night.

“I told her everything I remembered but he was telling me and her something very different,” she said.

“She texted me this morning and called me a pathological liar, a narcissist, and that she had no respect for me whatsoever; all very valid feelings.”

Her friend made it clear to never talk to her ever again, and she does understand where her friend is coming from.

She’s upset to have to lose her friend, and she’s now concerned about what the rest of her friends will think about her once everyone finds out (because they will).

“I am terrified to step on campus again because I feel like everyone will know and be staring at me and I have no idea what to do,” she continued.

Vasyl –

“I’m embarrassed to be living in my own skin right now and I don’t even remember what happened.”

“I know that at this point I have made my bed and I have no choice but to lay in it and that I should feel as s***** as I do but I feel even worse for how she found out.”

She wishes she could crawl into a hole and basically disappear, and she has no clue how to move forward.

What would you do in her situation? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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