This Young Man Lost His Arm In A Terrible Car Accident And His Brother Is Trying To Get Together Enough Money To Buy Him A Prosthetic One

Northfield, New Jersey. Dan is a go-getter, an athlete, and a giver; his brother Joe has seen him donate time and energy to others throughout his life, and now he wants to return some of that love and generosity.

In early 2022, Dan was in an awful car accident that he was lucky to get out of alive. However, it wasn’t without its cost, and Dan’s arm was crushed up to the shoulder.

Doctors were able to save his life, but they couldn’t save his dominant arm.

Now, Joe is searching for the perfect prosthetic arm so that his brother can pursue his passions again. He shared some of Dan’s favorite pastimes on the GoFundMe page where he’s raising money for Myoelectric arm.

“Dan has always been an amazing athlete and one of the hardest workers I have ever met so needless to say, he needs that arm to continue playing sports, working out, continuing his career at our job and kicking butt in Call of Duty!”

Though the family isn’t yet sure what choice of prosthetic would be the best fit for Joe’s lifestyle.

His brother is dedicated to helping Dan pursue activities like snowboarding, basketball, and baseball, as well as daily tasks.

He also shared that Joe has been overwhelmed by the love and support he’s felt since his accident.

GoFundMe; pictured above are Dan and Joe

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After a recent follow-up surgery, Dan shared that his brother was doing well and working with his doctors to plan out the next steps in his recovery.

In less than a week, the fundraiser had surpassed $30,000 and is well on its way to the brothers’ $200,000 goal.

The healthcare system regularly failed amputees in finding solutions that increase mobility and function, but the family hasn’t given up on finding a custom arm.

To catch updates on Joe’s progress or donate to the brothers’ goal, you can head over to their GoFundMe.

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