
He Told His Girlfriend A Few Things He Wishes He Could Change About Her And She Did Not Take It Well

Drobot Dean -

A guy recently saw a TikTok video of a couple discussing what they wish they could change about one another.

In the video, the couple said absolutely nothing, meaning they believe their significant other is pretty perfect.

He got the idea from this video to ask his girlfriend what she would like to change about him, though he did not film her reaction to his question.

When he did ask his girlfriend what she would change, she mentioned that she would like to make him a big “less anxious” about things that happen on a daily basis to help him out, but that was it.

He can be an extremely anxious person, though he’s getting help, and the answer that his girlfriend gave made a lot of sense to him.

His girlfriend then turned the question to him and wanted to know if he would like to change anything about her, and he actually had a list of things that weren’t exactly kind.

“I told her I would like her to have her old body back, meaning before the pandemic when she was more muscular and a little bit thinner,” he explained.

“Also I told her she could be less hairy in some areas like her face and arms and I wish her hair was more cared for.”

“I wouldn’t change anything fundamental about her appearance, maybe make her legs a little bit thinner but all my requests are very much achievable with a little effort.”

Drobot Dean –

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