
Her Sister Is Seeing A Married Guy And She’s Concerned He’s Just Taking Advantage Of Her Sister

Joshua Resnick -

A young woman has a 24-year-old sister named Ashley who is currently seeing a married guy 7 years older than her.

Ashley has told her that this guy is still married though he claims to be separated from the woman he is married to.

This guy has not filed for divorce, nor even told his wife that he plans on doing that. Ashley has been seeing this guy for close to 2 whole years, and she’s beginning to grow concerned that this guy is just taking advantage of her sister.

She’s never had a good feeling about this guy, and Ashley first began sleeping with him before dating him.

“She knew he cheated on his wife before and still got together with him because they like each other and he’s not living with his ex-wife anymore so he’s sort of separated,” she explained.

“She hasn’t met his family yet and he hasn’t told his family about her which I think is super odd especially if he’s getting divorced.”

You know what else is odd? This guy works from home, at the house he used to live in with his wife, but then he heads to his apartment after work.

She truly believes that this guy is going to hurt Ashley in some way or that he is not telling Ashley the truth at all.

Given the fact that this guy has a history of cheating on his wife on more than one occasion, she believes that there’s a good chance that this guy is still completely with his wife and lying to Ashley with no intention of getting divorced.

Joshua Resnick –

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