
She Picked Her Wedding Date To Be The Same Date As Her Future Mother-In-Law’s Best Friend So She Wouldn’t Be Able To Make It

Ulia Koltyrina -

Although I’m sure we all wish that we could get along beautifully with all of our in-laws, the reality is that just rarely happens.

One woman who is getting married soon absolutely hates her future mother-in-law, and she summarizes the relationship with her MIL as “totally volatile.”

She feels that her mother-in-law does things to make her feel less than, and she was excited when her fiancé stepped up to make some boundaries with his mom.

After her fiancé put those boundaries in place, her mother-in-law pretty much refused to speak with them aside from major holidays or family events.

Her fiancé did ask her mother-in-law to go to dinner with him to discuss the boundaries, though her mother-in-law declined the invite.

“MIL literally told him we are very different people and she doesn’t see the benefit in pretending to like me,” she explained.

“When she is around she is civil how but I can feel her judging me. She makes faces with her husband.”

“She always looks like she is trying not to laugh. She’s also someone who everything has come naturally to and she just makes me feel like s***. I don’t want to feel that way on my wedding day.”

As soon as she found out that her mother-in-law’s best friend is also getting married, she went out of her way to make sure that she chose that exact same day.

Ulia Koltyrina –

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