
After His Little Dog Was Attacked At A Dog Park, He Had To Perform CPR To Bring Him Back To Life

Los Angeles, California. Dogs bring so much joy to our lives, and the thought of our pups getting hurt is an absolute nightmare.

Earlier this month, that nightmare became a reality for a man who had to perform CPR on his dog after it was attacked and nearly killed.

Ruben Vernier was at a park with his miniature poodle-mix named Poof, who was running around and playing with other small dogs.

Nearby, a dog rescue volunteer was trying to train a rescue dog off-leash. The volunteer was trying to socialize the dog with all the others, and although the initial greetings went well, it all turned sour very quickly.

The rescue dog ended up chasing down Poof and attacking him. He began biting down on Poof and started “jerking him around like a rag-doll,” as Ruben writes. Both sides of Poof’s torso were punctured.

Before Ruben and the volunteer could separate the dogs and free Poof, the dog had collapsed Poof’s left lung, broke seven of his ribs, and fractured and displaced two vertebrae in his spine.

“After we freed Poof from the dog’s grip, Poof turned all grey,” explains Ruben. “His eyes rolled back, and he stopped breathing.”

It was looking extremely grim until the rescue volunteer that was working with the large dog instructed and helped Ruben perform CPR on Poof. They pumped his tiny chest,  and he miraculously “sprung back to life.”

GoFundMe; pictured above is Poof

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