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She Walked Out Of Her Brother’s Wedding After Being Bullied By The Bridesmaids To Change Her Dress

Unfortunately, her brother didn’t really know what was going on since he wasn’t the one planning things.

“All I really knew was the date and the venue,” she explained. “Very upscale place. The invite said black tie, so I chose a long, one-shoulder silk dress in navy. It wasn’t overly fancy but seemed appropriate for the venue.”

The day of her brother’s wedding arrived, and she drove 3 hours to get there. She made sure to get to the wedding venue several hours prior to the wedding itself, so that she could spend time with her family.

As she was speaking to her mom that morning, the bride came over to speak to her mom in private.

Well, right after that, the bride’s best friend from high school stormed out of the bride’s dressing room and walked right up to her.

The bride’s best friend said that she had to change her dress since the bride was unhappy she showed up in navy, which matched the bridesmaids.

The only thing remotely similar to her dress and the bridesmaid dresses were the colors, but not the styles.

She let the bride’s best friend know that she gets this is the bride’s special day, but she had nothing to change into and she lives 3 hours away.

It’s not like she could just pop home really fast to get a new dress in time for the wedding. The bride’s best friend called her “pathetic” and “selfish” before insisting she was attempting to appear like she was a bridesmaid.

“I told her no one would be confused, it wasn’t a rule that people couldn’t wear the same color as bridesmaids and I wasn’t changing,” she said. “She left in a huff.”

“Minutes later, my brother found me and asked me to change. I told him the same thing I told the friend.”

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