
The Girl Who’s Dating Her Boyfriend’s Best Friend Accused Her Of Being A Gold Digger, So She Went Out Of Her Way To Embarrass Her

sakkmesterke -

A 31-year-old woman has been dating her 42-year-old boyfriend for the last 5 years, and not that long ago she moved into the house that her boyfriend owns.

Now, she gets along pretty well with close to all of the friends that her boyfriend has, with one exception.

Her boyfriend’s best friend is dating a girl named Elle who absolutely, positively hates her guts and doesn’t hide it.

“Elle thinks I’m a gold digger,” she explained. “My boyfriend does make a lot more money than me, but I have a decent job, work hard and I make okay money.”

“Part of the reason she thinks this about me might be because we’ve got different backgrounds. He (and most of his friends) grew up wealthy, and I grew up working class.”

Elle constantly makes nasty remarks about how she grew up and the fact that she was poor in comparison to her boyfriend.

Elle never makes her comments in the company of her boyfriend, and she chose not to tell him about how mean Elle has been to her.

“Since I moved in with him, she’s made non-stop comments to me about how I must be so happy I’ve “bagged” him because I’d never have been able to live in a place like his otherwise,” she said.

“A few weeks ago, she even told me she was expecting me to announce a pregnancy to “lock him in.” I can’t have children, but she doesn’t know that.”

sakkmesterke –

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