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Her Husband Got Another Woman Pregnant And Now He Wants Her To Let This Little Girl Call Her Mom

Yesterday, Nate and Jacob were at her ex’s house, and Juniper ran toward her when she went to go get them.

Her ex then asked to take a moment to speak to her, and she agreed to chat with him before driving home with Nate and Jacob.

“He basically told me that seeing me picking the boys up, being affectionate and loving with them is confusing and hurting Juniper, she’s a baby and she doesn’t understand what’s happening, so he asked me if I could just take her with me for a few days like I do with the boys and maybe, over time, let her call me mom,” she said.

She let her ex know that she was not going to be doing that at all. She mentioned that she does feel bad that Juniper doesn’t have a mom, but it’s just not her job to play that role in her life.

She also told her ex that the only reason she even still speaks to him or Juniper is because Nate and Jacob want to be around them.

“He called me heartless and pointed out how she cries when I leave without her but I said that it wasn’t my problem and that he should deal with that,” she continued.

“He later sent a video of Juniper crying by the door and said ”I hope you’re happy” so…I mean I know it’s not her fault but isn’t mine either.”

Do you think she should do what her ex asked and play the role of Juniper’s mom?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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