
He’s Dumping His Girlfriend Because Of Her Weight Gain

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A guy has been dating his girlfriend for the last 4 years, and they originally met one another at a gym they both went to.

Fitness was the one thing that bonded them in the first place, and it remained a big way for them to connect in their relationship, up until around 18 months ago.

Suddenly, his girlfriend stopped wanting to go to the gym with him, even though that was their thing and something they did for years.

His girlfriend also completely stopped “caring” about the way that she ate, which previously was pretty health-conscious.

“She ended up gaining almost 100 pounds,” he explained. “She’s a completely different person looks-wise.”

“But also her character is slightly different. When I noticed she was gaining weight I tried to motivate her to go exercise together, go for walks, cycling but nothing worked. I even tried to get her into therapy, I thought maybe she was depressed but no luck.”

“I’m not attracted to her anymore. Not just her looks but her not caring about her looks, and lack of motivation.”

He knows in his heart that there’s just one way for him to properly handle this; dump her, move out of the place that they share, and attempt to move on with his life.

“I think we both knew it was coming eventually,” he said. “But I feel broken. I feel like this relationship is ending for such a stupid reason that I want to cry.”

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