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She Didn’t Tell Her Boyfriend That She Was Meeting Up With Her Ex To Return His Things And She Knows This Looks Bad

3 days ago, she decided to meet up with her ex but didn’t tell her boyfriend about her plans. Mainly, she wanted to see her ex so she could finally return to him a few things she still was holding onto.

When she got to her ex’s house, his mom was super sweet to her and she was surprised to see that his family’s dogs knew who she was.

It was like she had never left her ex, and when she saw him, she realized she didn’t have any feelings left for him.

She sat down with her ex and had a chat about everything, and he asked her why she had come over to his house.

“I gave his stuff back and as I did, he said he couldn’t stop thinking of me,” she said. “That made my heart sink. I thought we could start over and be friends again, but that told me it was too soon for that.”

“We meant a lot to each other so I know where this was coming from, but I couldn’t let his family hear our conversation and it wouldn’t be appropriate to stay alone in a room with him.”

They both headed over to her college campus close by, where they sat on a bench and had the rest of their chat.

Her ex told her about what he was going to do after graduating from college, which made her feel like they really were on completely different paths in life and not compatible.

As she sat there hearing her ex talk about his future, she was happy to discover that she was secure in her relationship and no longer interested in her ex at all.

At the end of their conversation, they both started crying as she said that they shouldn’t talk to one another anymore unless their paths end up crossing again somewhere down the line coincidentally.

She walked off, ready to meet up with her parents, but then she paused.

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