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She Didn’t Tell Her Boyfriend That She Was Meeting Up With Her Ex To Return His Things And She Knows This Looks Bad

Look! - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old woman has been with her 19-year-old boyfriend for 4 months now, and throughout their relationship, he has constantly reminded her not to do anything good for someone that might “look bad” and cause problems in their relationship.

She always conducts herself in a way that won’t cause her boyfriend to question her motives and she really does love her boyfriend.

Although she’s feeling good in her relationship, she has been thinking about her 22-year-old ex-boyfriend a lot since she never really got the time to come to terms with their breakup.

The reason they didn’t work out is that her ex did a couple of things she couldn’t get over, such as refusing to acknowledge that they were in a relationship and bad-mouthing her to his ex-girlfriends.

After splitting with her ex, she would infrequently speak to him, and then she met her current boyfriend.

“When I met my now-boyfriend, I still had leftover feelings for my ex but decided to give this guy a chance and it has been the best relationship I’ve ever been in,” she explained.

She even told her ex that she still had feelings for him before going out on her first date with her current boyfriend, though her ex squashed that and said she should go for her current boyfriend.

It broke her heart to be rejected by her ex and moved forward with going on her first date. Looking back, she’s happy she did that since she knows she’s falling for her boyfriend.

Not that long ago, she realized she’s still not completely over her ex, as she finds herself missing things they did with one another.

Look! – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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