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She Went On A Date With A Guy And Left Early After She Saw That He Lied About His Height

She decided to ditch her date early after not spending that much time with him since she could not get over the fact that he lied to her about how tall he is.

She ended up asking her friends if it was wrong of her to ditch him like that on their date night, and her friends think that she should send him a text asking why he lied to her.

She took their advice and did text him, but she was dismayed to find that he kept insisting that he was really 5’6″ even though she knew that he was not.

She decided to eventually stop texting him and then she blocked him. She really was expecting him to cave and say he did lie.

“A couple of my friends told me that I am being dramatic about it and that I shouldn’t have stopped talking to him even though he had lied about his height,” she continued.

“I told them over and over and it didn’t matter about his height, it had mattered when he had continued to lie about it.”

Do you think she has every right to be upset by this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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