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She Wore Pants To A Wedding And Got Accused Of Stealing Attention Away From The Bride

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Last weekend, a young woman was invited to attend the wedding of one of her mom’s good friends.

She went to the wedding with her mom and dad, though she wasn’t able to stop at home first since she is in college.

She had to go from her dorm room directly to the wedding, and her mom and dad didn’t get to see what she was wearing until she got there.

“The dress code was cocktail attire,” she explained. “I decided to go with some really nice dress pants and a long-sleeved blouse tucked into it.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I like wearing dresses and all, it’s just I really like wearing some nice pants and a blouse even more, and I thought it went well for the occasion.”

Anyway, she picked out her outfit, put it on, and headed over to the venue. When she got there, she found her mom and took a seat right next to her.

As soon as she sat down, her mom demanded to know what the heck she was thinking by not choosing to wear a dress like every single female guest there.

“I just told her that I wanted to go with something different,” she said. “The wedding was pretty, and I still got some off-handed comments from my mom about how she hated my outfit.”

Once the ceremony was over and the reception began, she was able to find some of her friends to spend time with.

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She thought she was in the clear and that was the last she was going to hear about her outfit, but she was wrong.

“Everything was fine, until during dinner when one of the aunts of the groom came up to me and told me that I was dressed inappropriately and that I should go home and change,” she continued.

“I asked her what she meant by that, and honestly, it just seemed like she had a problem with me wearing pants, and said that I should have dressed more feminine.”

This aunt pointed out that a different female wedding guest also agreed with her about the pants.

Her friends were sitting at the table with her as this aunt was lacing into her, and her friends jumped in to defend her and her outfit choice.

She then added that she thought it was ok for her to wear pants and that the dress code never said anything about being more “feminine.”

This aunt stormed off, but not before saying, “Fine, you young people like to ruin everything anyway. Just know that you’re taking the attention away from the bride.”

Being confronted by this aunt left her feeling upset and “confused” yet she managed to enjoy the remainder of the evening.

Were her mom and this aunt right, and should she not have worn pants to the wedding, or was her outfit appropriate?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.