
She’s The Maid Of Honor, But She Doesn’t Feel Like It’s Her Responsibility To Foot The Bill For The Bride’s Bachelorette Party And Bridal Showers

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When it comes to the maid of honor duties and bachelorette etiquette 101, should the maid of honor be the one footing the entire bill?

Weddings can be costly, which is why the planning process takes up a majority of your time. First, your party must be informed before they pack their bags and the itinerary is placed in their hands.

Nowadays, the bachelorette party will split the entire bill, removing a massive amount of weight off of the maid of honor’s shoulders.

I mean, how is it fair to force your maid of honor to front the entire bill when it comes to your bridal shower and bachelorette party?

What makes the situation even worse? When the maid of honor doesn’t even want to be placed in this position in the first place, and the bride demands that she pays for everything.

Both girls are in their early 20s and have been on and off friends since they were 5-years-old. The bride has experienced significant mental health issues that often cause massive arguments and drama in their relationship.

Her mental health has been so bad that she often threatens to take her own life, leaving her friend to talk her out of it and guilt her into sticking around.

Their friendship should have ended a long time ago, as they now have nothing in common and the relationship has been emotionally and mentally draining.

Fast forward, and this girl is getting married and still doesn’t have very many friends due to her toxic behaviors.

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