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Her Boyfriend Said That He Only Began Dating Her Because Of Her Body, And That He Only Finds Her Face Alright

Victoria Andreas - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old woman is currently in a relationship with her boyfriend, who is 22-years-old. She’s been dating her boyfriend for 2 years now, and recently, they were discussing their physical features as well as the reasons they originally started becoming interested in one another.

“For reference, I wouldn’t say I’m “pretty” pretty but my face definitely isn’t a disadvantage to my looks either,” she explained.

“I would say I’ve got your typical “above average” face with a couple of pretty features and one kinda not-so-pretty one (yay to big noses).”

During their conversation about how they felt about one another and what interested them, to begin with, her boyfriend literally told her that her face is just alright, but she is not beautiful or even close to it.

She actually wasn’t upset by her boyfriend’s mean remarks at all. It was what he said after that which really had her feeling bad.

Her boyfriend then pointed out that he thought she was smart and has “a great body.”

“I laughed and jokingly asked, “oooh so you are with me for my body huh?”. His reply was, well… a bit disheartening,” she said.

“It was along the lines of “No of course not, I like you overall now, it’s just that initially if you didn’t have the body you do, I probably wouldn’t have begun dating you.” I am probably overthinking but listening to it I felt embarrassed and insecure.”

Her boyfriend told her that he only started dating her for her body and that there’s nothing else appealing about her looks, which is a crushing thing to have your boyfriend tell you for sure.

Victoria Andreas – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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