
Her Dad Abandoned Her, And Now That He’s Marrying A Woman With 3 Young Girls, She Wants To Tell Her To Head For The Hills While She Still Can

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old woman has an absolutely awful relationship with her dad, which is due to the fact that he just abandoned her as a kid.

Her dad is in his 40s, and she has not talked to him at all since she was 15-years-old. Her dad was always a terrible parent, and some of the things he did to her growing up still sting.

He would promise to visit her on Father’s Day, only to be a no-show. He would leave her alone every single evening when he was supposed to have her visit him.

He even picked up and moved to the other side of the country and kept that a secret from her for multiple months.

He also would take her things and hold them over her head, manipulate her, and treat her badly in general.

The very last time she spoke to her dad, he sent her a text to say that he thought her Christmas present never arrived as it looked like it got returned to him.

He only said that to her since he never bought her a present in the first place, and she felt no need to reply to that message.

He never said anything to her after that, so it has been 6 years since she has heard from her dad at all.

He never wishes her Happy Birthday, or Merry Christmas, or asks how she is doing in her life. She has no contact with him at all.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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