
Her Date Gave His Two Dogs A More Elaborate Meal Than The One He Served Her, So She Left

Phase4Photography - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman began casually seeing a guy a little under 3 months back, and she has been on a couple of dates with him since they started seeing one another.

They have been out to see some movies together, and they also have gone to an arcade, and out to eat.

They normally split the cost of their dates equally, but one time he did pay for her share and she has paid for his share of their dates twice.

“It’s been a really pleasant time and I don’t want you guys to think I don’t appreciate this guy, because I do, but this really rubbed me the wrong way,” she explained.

What she’s referring to is the latest date she went on with him, which happened to be at his house.

This guy asked her if she would like to come over and he would be happy to cook dinner for her that evening.

He went out of his way to insist that she bring her appetite, and so of course she made sure not to eat much that day.

As soon as she got off of work, she headed over to his house. “So I arrive at 6 pm and I see him making steak, eggs, potatoes, and corn on the cob (the small ones that you put in pasta salad),” she said.

“It looked and smelled delicious. He puts on a movie while we wait, so I’m in the living room the entire time he is cooking.”

Phase4Photography – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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