
At The End Of Her First Date, The Guy Gave Her A Side Hug, Leaving Her Confused

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A girl met a guy on a website for online dating and she spent a couple of days talking to him there.

This past Friday, she told him her plans and that she was going to head down to the pool in her neighborhood to hang out.

He wanted to know if she would like him to stop by the pool and also spend some time with her, and she thought it would be a great idea for their first date.

So, he ended up coming down to her neighborhood pool and he was there for 2 hours with her. They chatted the entire time, and they both laughed a lot as well.

Then, it came time for the pool to close for the day. They both walked out to the parking lot, and although she describes it as awkward, they did end up talking there for some time.

Eventually, at around 9 that night, he told her that needed to start heading home, as the drive took him about 40 minutes and he had to be up at 5 a.m. to head to work.

“He did the awkward side hug and it was over very quickly,” she explained. “He didn’t make any attempt to kiss me or walk me to my car.”

“He hasn’t texted yet but it’s only been about an hour since our date ended. I’m thinking that maybe he wasn’t attracted to me because in all my profile pictures I’m wearing makeup but since I was at the pool I didn’t have any on because duh it’s the pool lol I’m no super model but I don’t think I’m hideous either.”

“I get hit on when I don’t have makeup on. Not as often as when I do but still. I caught him staring at one point but I’m pretty sure he was just looking at my chest.”

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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