
She Told Her Coworker To Stop Trying To Date Guys That Are Way Out Of Her League And Now Her Manager Wants Her To Say Sorry For Being Mean

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 28-year-old woman has a coworker who is a 31-year-old single mom, and she’s tired of hearing about her dating life.

She thinks her coworker’s job is “dead-end” and that her coworker has pretty much lived a life so far that’s not so great.

Her coworker is bad with money, frequently gets evicted and ends up living on her mom’s couch, and does not eat well or work out.

Her coworker claims to be a wonderful person whose dating life ends in disaster after every guy lies to her or cheats on her, but she doesn’t believe her coworker is that great at all.

“The thing is she keeps trying to date people who are 10x more established than her,” she explained.

“I’m talking nurses, bank managers, investors, etc; and since we’re all mid to late 20s…most of them don’t have children.”

“Most have done adulthood alone and have worked very hard to get where they are. She immediately falls “in love” with these people and will spread lies/harass them when they’re not interested.”

She’s sick and tired of hearing about her coworker’s high opinion of herself, and she just lost it on her at work recently.

She felt it was her place to, well, put her coworker in her place, and she insisted that her coworker needed to stop trying to date guys out of her league.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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