
She’s About To Get Married But She’s Still So Angry At Her Ex-Boyfriend And It’s Overshadowing Her Happily Ever After

She chose to attend a prestigious college where she knew absolutely no one and, within days, met a man who she would soon be able to call her husband.

The best part about it the story was his patience. He knew she had to heal to love and trust again, and he helped her. Now they are about to be married, and this man possesses many remarkable qualities. 

“I am marrying the best person and love him the most,” she said. “He’s a very smart doctor, witty, fun, and treats me with all the kindness, respect, and love in the world.”

Although she’s about to have her happily ever after, her ex-boyfriend still has a terrible hold on her life.

“I’m not over the fact that on the week of my wedding, a little voice shrieks concerns of abandonment and psychological torment, even though I rationally know my soon-to-be husband absolutely would never,” she continued.

“I still absolutely hate him. And I hate that I hate him because holding onto hatred only hurts ourselves.”

“But, at least I can appreciate my incredible almost-husband that much more because I endured him.”

She’s still so angry at her ex that it’s overshadowing her wedding. How can she finally let this go once and for all?

To read the original post on Reddit, click here.

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