He Contracted Monkeypox And Is Bravely Sharing What It’s Actually Like To Have It

The U.S. monkeypox outbreak began on May 18 after a resident returned from Canada and tested positive for the virus.

Since then, positivity rates have continued to grow– reaching a total of seven hundred confirmed cases nationwide, according to the CDC.

And while the viral illness is making headlines across the country, not many people are familiar with what happens after contracting it.

So, one TIkToker named Matt Ford decided to bravely share his experience. He contracted it in Los Angeles– one of the virus’ hotspots– and has been educating viewers on the illness’ origins, how it spreads, his symptoms, and more.

Matt first explained how monkeypox has been around for a few decades and is actually in the same family as smallpox.

But, following the outbreak in Europe and the U.K., the virus made its way to the United States.

“As of now, it seems to be primarily affecting queer men, but it can easily spread to anyone,” he said.

This is because monkeypox spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids, respiratory secretions (kissing), and prolonged skin-to-skin contact.

TikTok; pictured above is Matt in his video

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Afterward, he began sharing his symptoms and showing a few of his monkeypox spots, which almost resemble bug bite scabs.

“In total, I think I counted more than twenty-five [spots], and there are also some in more sensitive areas which tend to be the most painful,” Matt said.

In fact, the TikToker actually had to visit his doctor, who prescribed him painkillers just to be able to fall asleep.

“And in addition to the spots, there are intense flu-like symptoms. I had a sore throat, cough, fever, chills, and was sweating through my sheets at night. Just overall, really miserable,” Matt continued.

He believes that it is “one thing” to know about the outbreak from news headlines and CDC updates, but it is another to see how it really affects someone.

His video has already reached over three hundred thousand viewers and gained twenty-two thousand likes. People everywhere have been thankful for Matt’s general overview of the illness and his openness about his own experience after contracting it.

“This has been more informative than anything I’ve heard in the last month. Thanks for that,” one user commented.

“Kudos to you for coming out and educating people,” agreed another commenter.

And just a few days ago, Matt also updated viewers that he is on the road to recovery.

To remain updated on Matt’s condition or learn more about the virus, you can visit his TikTok account linked here. Or, to watch the original TikTok, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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