He Let His Girlfriend Know That He Didn’t Feel Up To Canceling Their Hike So They Could Hang Out And Cuddle All Day, So She Started Crying

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old guy is currently in a relationship with his girlfriend, who is 20-years-old. A week ago, they had organized a hike around a mountain today, and this place happens to be about an hour outside of where they live.

As soon as he got up earlier today, he packed up everything they would need to go on their pre-planned hike.

After he had already gotten all their belongings together for their outing, his girlfriend shared some surprising news with him.

Apparently, she had been up until around 3 in the morning watching the news, and she just felt way too exhausted to drive an hour to the mountain and go on the hike.

She asked him if they could ditch their plans and just hang out and cuddle for the rest of their Saturday, but he wasn’t happy to do that.

“I told her we already planned and I already got our stuff ready so we can just go easy on the hike and she said she is too tired and isn’t going,” he explained.

“I told her I’ll go alone then and she begged me to come back to bed. I was already ready and didn’t want to waste my Saturday in bed, so I told her “I’m not going to waste my time cuddling in bed all day” and she cried.”

“I tried to comfort her but she told me to just go on the hike but I stayed and tried to comfort her. She kicked me out of the room so I was just sitting on the couch doing nothing.”

He sat there for a bit before trying to go back into their room so he could speak with her, but she had already shut down.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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His girlfriend continued asking him to get out and she kept on crying. Even a few minutes ago he stopped in to see what she was doing, and she still had tears running down her cheeks.

“So yeah, no hike day ruined my girlfriend isn’t talking to me,” he said. “SOS.”

Do you think he should just apologize and agree to do what his girlfriend wants to do for the rest of the day?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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