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Her Fiancé Makes More Than Twice What She Does, And He Feels The Need To Constantly Demean Her Chosen Career

loreanto - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 26-year-old woman has a 31-year-old fiancé, and she has been with him for the last 2 years. She and her fiancé couldn’t be on more opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to their professions and how much they make.

Although she doesn’t have a problem with this at all, her fiancé sure does, and he’s always bringing this up.

“My fiancé is a high school dropout who went right into the workforce and now owns his own company making $120k a year,” she explained.

“I’m super proud of him and even handle some aspects of his business that he doesn’t know how to do (digital marketing, web design, etc).”

“I, on the other hand, went to a competitive university, spent some time teaching abroad, and now work at a state college making roughly $50k/year.”

It’s not a big deal to her that she makes a fraction of what he does, but he’s greatly upset by this detail.

They currently both live in a home that her fiancé owns, and she does pay half of the mortgage, while he pays the other half.

She also does pay $500 per month for various expenses, while he pays for the remainder of their bills.

“Recently, he’s been making comments about how he didn’t have to go to school and waste time abroad and still makes so much more than I do, and how I wasted time, money, and am still “financially dependent” on him,” she said.

loreanto – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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