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His Girlfriend Is Spending Hundreds Of Dollars Of His Own Money Without Asking Him First, And It’s Making Him Crazy

dmitri_gromov - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 24-year-old guy has been dating his 25-year-old girlfriend for the last 6 years. A year ago, she started showing signs of a super awful spending habit.

The thing is, his girlfriend is not spending her own money, though; she’s spending all of his, and it’s out of control.

“It started with rent money, I’d give her my half of the rent, and she was supposed to add her half and give it to our landlord to pay the rent,” he explained.

“About a year ago, she stopped paying the rent and would just go and spend the money I gave her on God knows what.”

“When I found out about it, we had a massive argument, but in the end, the problem got solved, and she stopped doing it.”

Over the last several months, he then noticed that his credit card number was declined when he tried to buy something with it.

He immediately went to take a look at his bank account, and although he knew he had $500 to spend, it was gone.

He instantly lost it, imagining that someone had gotten a hold of his card and racked up bills.

He questioned his girlfriend if she had seen his credit card anywhere, and she then admitted that she took his card and was the one spending his money.

dmitri_gromov – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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