Her Boyfriend Has Never Given Her A Reason Not To Trust Him, But She Can’t Go Anywhere Without Being Jealous Of Other Women He Could Potentially Find Attractive

pawelsierakowski - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
pawelsierakowski - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 27-year-old girl is dating a guy who is 5 years older than she is, and they have been with one another for 3 years.

This particular relationship is the most wonderful one that she has ever found herself in, and her boyfriend is someone that she never really gets into fights with.

When she does end up disagreeing with her boyfriend, they always come to a resolution, and they also always kiss and hug to make up.

“We try to be as open and honest with each other as possible,” she explained.

“So we’ve talked about me being jealous before, and it just sucks for both of us because he doesn’t like seeing me upset/anxious about something I don’t need to worry about.”

Fortunately or unfortunately, she and her boyfriend have both been super honest and open about the number of people that they have been with before ending up with each other.

Although this conversation happened 3 years ago and has not come up since, she finds herself becoming obsessively envious of other women her boyfriend could potentially be attracted to.

It doesn’t matter where they go or what they are doing; she can’t stop thinking about the fact that other good-looking girls are around them at all times.

“I don’t get mad at him directly, but if I catch him checking out any attractive woman or something, my mind goes into overdrive, and I obsess about it,” she said.

pawelsierakowski – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“Like, we just watched From Dusk Till Dawn, and I had to leave the room because I was so jealous of Salma Hayek…then I cried because I felt bad because I wish I could just be a “chill girlfriend,” or whatever.”

“It’s seriously torturing me. I’m already very insecure, and I can barely go anywhere with him in public without me getting jealous.”

This is something that hurts her boyfriend, and she’s beginning to despise herself for not being able to move past this.

She’s considering going to therapy, though she’s interested in what other advice people can give her.

Do you think therapy is the best first step toward fixing her jealousy and ensuring it doesn’t ruin her relationship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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